Cruz del Sur is a company of Intercity buses with tradition in the transport of passengers within the southern zone of Chile. Cruz del Sur was founded in 1958 by Juan Almonacid Soto and Mario Marchant Binder in the city of Puerto Montt. Currently, Buses Cruz del Sur offers tickets for major routes to the south as for example Santiago a OsornoPuerto MonttAncud and Castro. At the route from Santiago a Puerto Montt, Cruz del Sur competes with companies like Queilen BusPullman Bus and Tur Bus. From Santiago, Cruz del Sur buses depart from Terimnal Los Héroes and Puerto Montt from Terminal Puerto Montt.

Overview Cruz del Sur
Foundation 1958
Operating fleet 115
Popular destinations Osorno, Puerto Montt, Ancud, Castro
Departures Santiago Terminal Los Héroes
Contact phone (65) 436410 


Frequently asked questions Pullman Bus:

  1. What is the phone number of Cruz del Sur?
    1. The phone number of the callcenter is (65) 436410
    2. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  2. Do they offer a cargo service?
    1. Yes, the company offers cargo services in the whole country
  3. Where do I find agencies of Cruz del Sur?
    1. The company owns more than 40 agencies in the country, for example in the cities of Puerto Montt, Temuco, Valdivia, Castro, Concepción and Osorno.
  4. From which terminals do the buses leave in Santiago
    1. The buses from Santiago leave the terminal Los Héroes

Ratings of Cruz del Sur

4.5 of 5 stars

On average, Cruz del Sur has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 points on This rating is based on the comments of 3431 travelers during the last 6 months who evaluated the 3 categories: punctuality, service on board and quality of the bus.

Highlighted opinions from travellers

Monica G. on 02/11/2025

Atentos y excelente servicio

Fernando A. on 02/10/2025

Fue bastante positiva .... Puntualidad, confort y seguro el bus,excelente servicio

Michelle R. on 02/10/2025

Gracias !

Offices and phone numbers of Cruz del Sur

  • Santiago - Terminal Sur
    Av. Bernardo O’Higgins 3850, Santiago
    (2) 27790607
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - Terrapuerto Los Héroes
    Tucapel Jiménez 21, Santiago (Metro Los Héroes)
    +56 2 2696 9324
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - Terminal San Borja
    San Francisco de Borja 122, Santiago
    +56 2 2776 9973
    See on Google Maps
  • Concepción - Terminal de Buses Collao
    Tegualda 860, Concepción (Terminal Collao)
    See on Google Maps
  • Temuco - Terminal de Buses de la Araucania
    Vicente Pérez Rosales 01609, Temuco (Terminal de Buses)
    (45) 2730310
    See on Google Maps
  • Puerto Montt - Terminal Cruz del Sur
    Panamericana 500, Puerto Montt
    (65) 2483127
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - Chacabuco
    Chacabuco 63, Santiago, Región Metropolitana
    +56 2 2681 4620
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - Erasmo Escala
    Erasmo Escala 3096, Santiago
    +56 2 2681 4620
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - Providencia
    Avda. Nueva Providencia, paseo las palmas, Local 113 y 118, Santiago
    +56 2 2335 8358
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - San Gumercindo
    San Gumercindo 145, Santiago
    +56 2 2779 6686
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - Terminal San Borja
    San Francisco de Borja 122, Santiago
    +56 2 2776 9973
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - Terminal Sur
    Av. Bernardo O’Higgins 3850, Santiago
    (2) 27790607
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - Terrapuerto Los Héroes
    Tucapel Jiménez 21, Santiago (Metro Los Héroes)
    +56 2 2696 9324
    See on Google Maps
  • Rancagua - Terminal de Buses O'Higgins
    Av. Bernardo O’higgins 0587, Rancagua
    (Terminal de Buses O'Higgins)
    See on Google Maps
  • San Fernando - Terminal de Buses
    Manso de Velasco 999, San Fernando, VI Región
    (72) 2712712
    See on Google Maps
  • Concepción - Barros Arana
    Barros Arana 935, Concepción
    (41) 2240917
    See on Google Maps
  • Concepción - Terminal de Buses Camilo Henriquez
    Camilo Henriquez 2565, Concepción (Termina Camilo Henriquez)
    (41) 2730282
    See on Google Maps
  • Concepción - Terminal de Buses Collao
    Tegualda 860, Concepción (Terminal Collao)
    See on Google Maps
  • Los Ángeles - Terminal de Buses Santa Maria
    Av. Sor Vicenta 2051, Los Ángeles
    (43) 2363050
    See on Google Maps
  • Talcahuano - Terminal de Buses Félix Adan
    Almirante Latorre 8, Talcahuano
    (41) 2465547
    See on Google Maps
  • Temuco - Mall Mirage
    Torremolinos 450, Temuco (Mall Mirage Local 103)
    (45) 2730325
    See on Google Maps
  • Temuco - Terminal de Buses de la Araucania
    Vicente Pérez Rosales 01609, Temuco (Terminal de Buses)
    (45) 2730310
    See on Google Maps
  • San José de la Mariquina
    Carlo Acharan Arce 156, San José de la Mariquina, Mariquina, Región de los Ríos
    (63) 2451218
    See on Google Maps
  • Valdivia - Terminal de Buses
    Anfión Muñoz 360, Valdivia
    (63) 2213840
    See on Google Maps
  • Puerto Montt - Antonio Varas
    Antonio Varas 437, Puerto Montt
    (65) 2281717
    See on Google Maps
  • Puerto Montt - Mall Paseo Costanera
    J.S. Manfredini P.3 (Mall Paseo Costanera), Puerto Montt
    (65) 2483155
    See on Google Maps
  • Puerto Montt - Terminal Cruz del Sur
    Panamericana 500, Puerto Montt
    (65) 2483127
    See on Google Maps
  • Puerto Montt - Terminal de Buses
    Av. Diego portales 1001, Puerto Montt
    (65) 2254731
    See on Google Maps
  • Puerto Varas - Terminales Cruz del Sur
    San Francisco 1317, Puerto Varas
    (65) 2236969
    See on Google Maps
  • Puerto Varas - Walker Martinez
    Walker Martinez 239-B, Puerto Varas
    (65) 2231925
    See on Google Maps
  • Quellón - Parada Cruz del Sur
    Pedro Aguirre Cerda 52, Quellón, X Los Lagos
    (65) 2681284
    See on Google Maps

Destinations of Cruz del Sur

III Region Metropolitana - Cruz del Sur

Santiago Terminal Sur / Terminal Los Héroes

VI Region of Bernardo O’Higgins

Rancagua Terminal Rancagua - O’Higgins

VIII Region of Biobío - Cruz del Sur

ConcepciónTerminal Concepción - Collao

Los ÁngelesTerminal Santa Maria de Los Ángeles

IX Region of Araucanía - Cruz del Sur

Loncoche – Terminal de Loncoche

TemucoTerminal de la Araucanía

XIV Region of Los Ríos - Cruz del Sur


X Region of Los Lagos - Cruz del Sur

AncudTerminal de Ancud / Terminal Cruz del Sur

CastroTerminal de Castro / Terminal Cruz del Sur

OsornoTerminal de Osorno

Puerto MonttTerminal de Puerto Montt 

Puerto VarasFrutillar

XII Region of Magallanes - Cruz del Sur

Punta Arenas

Categories of seats of Cruz del Sur

Cruz del Sur has the following seat categories:

  • Pullman: Seats with recline of 55° (equivalent to Semi Cama). Including service on board, breakfast for long distance tours, pillows and blankets.
  • Bed: Comfortable seats with a maximum recline of 65° (equivalent to Salon Cama). Including service on board, breakfast for long distance tours, pillows, blankets and tray support for feet.

The Ministry of transport and telecommunications evaluates the safety of Cruz del Sur every half a year. According to the ranking Ranking N° 10 de Infracciones cursadas a Buses Interurbanos del Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones (Spanish content only), the company Cruz del Sur has a violation average rate (last 4 rankings) of 3.75%.  



The ranking of violation of Cruz del Sur in detail:


% of violation

01.07.2016 - 31.12.2016 4,0% 01.01.2016 - 30.06.2016 4,5%

01.07.2015 - 31.12.2015


01.01.2015 - 30.06.2015
