Bus tickets of Thaebus
Buy tickets of Thaebus. Check out departure times, phone numbers, offices and terminals.
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Main Destinations of Thaebus
Contact details of Thaebus
- Phone : +56 9 9647 2582, +56 9 9544 9166
Offices and phone numbers of Thaebus
Buy Thaebus bus tickets here
Important routes of Thaebus:
- Santiago to Puerto Montt
- Puerto Montt to Santiago
- Santiago to Temuco
- Temuco to Santiago
- Santiago to Osorno
- Osorno to Santiago
- Santiago to Puerto Varas
- Puerto Varas to Santiago
- Concepción to Temuco
- Temuco to Concepción
- Concepción to Puerto Varas
- Puerto Varas to Concepción
- Concepción to Osorno
- Osorno to Concepción
- Concepción to Puerto Montt
- Puerto Montt to Concepción

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The Ministry of transport and telecommunications evaluates the security of Thaebus every half a year. According to the latest Ranking N° 10 de Infracciones cursadas a Buses Interurbanos del Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones, the company Thaebus has a violation rate average (last 4 rankings) of 7.53%.
The ranking of violation of Thaebus in detail:
% of violation
01.07.2016 - 31.12.2016 4,9% 01.01.2016 - 30.06.2016 7,7%01.07.2015 - 31.12.2015
01.01.2015 - 30.06.2015