Bus tickets in routes of Buses Geminis
Buy tickets in routes of Buses Geminis. Check out departure times, phone numbers, offices and terminals.
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Buses Geminis is a company of Intercity buses in the north of Chile. The company Buses Geminis offers routes to the cities Arica, Antofagasta, Calama, Iquique, Salta (Argentina), San Pedro de Atacama y otras. On the route Arica a Antofagasta Buses Gemini competes directly with Tur Bus, Pullman Bus, Chile Bus. From Arica, Gemini buses depart from Terminal Arica.
Main Destinations of Buses Geminis
Contact details of Buses Geminis
Offices and phone numbers of Buses Geminis
San Pedro de Atacama - Oficina Buses Geminis
Pueblo de los Artesanos, Región de Antofagasta
(55) 2 892 049
See on Google Maps
Buy Buses Geminis bus tickets here
Important routes of Buses Geminis:
Arica - Terminal Rodoviario de Arica
Av. Diego Portales 948, Región de Arica y Parinacota (Terminal Rodoviario de Arica)
(58) 2 351 465 / (058) 241647
See on Google Maps
Iquique - Terminal de Iquique
Patricio Lynch nº50, Iquique, Región de Tarapacá (Terminal de Iquique)
(57) 2 362 475
See on Google Maps
Calama - Terminal de Buses Geminis
Calle Antofagasta 2239, Antofagasta (Terminal de Buses Geminis)
(55) 2 892 043
See on Google Maps
San Pedro de Atacama - Oficina Buses Geminis
Pueblo de los Artesanos, Región de Antofagasta
(55) 2 892 049
See on Google Maps
XV Region of Arica and Parinacota
Arica – Terminal de Buses Arica
I Region of Tarapacá
II Region of Antofagasta
Calama – Terminal de Buses
Destinations in Argentina: Salta

Seat categories
Buses Geminis offers the following kinds of seat categories:
- Clasico: Seats with a maximum recline of 55 degrees, breakfast service for long distance tours, Tv and mobile TV