ContactChile is the N° 1 agency for housing, internships, Spanish courses, and rental cars in Chile. Visit website
ContactChile is the N° 1 agency for housing, internships, Spanish courses, and rental cars in Chile. Visit website
Start-Up Chile is a program that is part of Chile’s economic development agency called Corfo. The program was created in 2010 and attracts early stage, high-potential entrepreneurs to bootstrap their startups in Chile from all parts of the world and from Chile itself. Start-Up Chile has created a solid ground as an innovation hub to reach the rest of Latin America. Visit website
CHILETURISTICO is a company that seeks to promote tourism in Chile, providing interesting information of Tourist Services (Lodging, Cuisine and others), Activities, Natural and Cultural Attractions, News and Events, and more. Visit website
The federation of students of the Universidad Católica de Chile (FEUC) is the organization that groups the centers of pupils or students of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Visit website
Internal tourism program of SERNATUR. In charge of incentivising Chileans to travel within their country. Visit website
The Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications has the main functions to promote the national policies in terms of transport and telecommunications. Visit website
The founder of Buschile.com Luciana Cannizarro is an Italian blogger, together with her husband she has created various detailed blogs aggregating information about bus companies and destinations. Their blogs aim to help travelers around the world for example in Spain, México, Venezuela, Colombia and Chile since 2011. Visit website
Located on the famous Moneda Street in the downtown of the city, just 15 minutes walk from the historic center of Santiago and the Government House, major museums, the Plaza de Armas, between other tourist attractions. In the Brasil neighborhood, Happy House Hostel offers a warm and entertaining environment for your stay in Chile. Visit website
Lodging, gastronomy and activities in Pichilemu, Punta de Lobos and Cahuil Visit website