From Chincha
To Huánuco
Trip Sunday 02 June

Chincha to Huánuco


Information about the city Chincha

Chincha Alta is a Peruvian city located in the Ica Region. It is the capital of Chincha Province. The City of Chincha Alta is located 200 kilometers south of Lima, in the Chincha Province of the Ica Region of Peru. The city covers an area of 2988 km² and has a population of 56,085.

Pre-Chincha era
The first inhabitants of the area arrived at the beginning of the ninth century. These people are known as the "Pre-Chincha". The historian Luis Cánepa Pachas puts the date of the arrival of the Pre-Chincha at sometime in the tenth century. The rudimentary Pre-Chincha culture was centered on fishing and shell gathering. The origin of the Pre-Chincha people is still uncertain.

Chincha era
In the eleventh century, a more advanced and warlike people known as the Chincha arrived in the coastal area. The Chincha had developed systems of architecture, agriculture and irrigation. The Chincha came to dominate the original inhabitants of the area. Some aspects of the original Pre-Chincha culture were absorbed by the newcomers. The word Chincha is derived from "Chinchay" or "Chinchas" or "Cinca" which mean "jaguar" in Chincha Quechua. The Chincha worshiped a jaguar god, and believed themselves to be descended from jaguars, who gave them their warlike and dominating tendencies. The Chincha fertilized their fields with dead birds and guano, and this knowledge was passed on to later peoples. The Chincha learned seafaring skills from the Pre-Chincha, and may have traveled as far as Central America by boat.

Information about the city Huánuco

Huánuco is a city in central Peru. It had a population of 75,000 as of 2007 and in 2014 it had a population of 172,924. It is the capital of the Huánuco Region and the Huánuco District. It is the seat of the diocese of Huánuco. The metropolitan city of Huanuco is 170,000 hab (2011, urban pop, INEI). It has three districts, Huanuco (head), Amarilis, and Pillco Marca. In this city, the Higueras river meets the Huallaga river, one of the largest rivers in the country. The city of Huánuco was founded by Spanish conquistador Gómez de Alvarado in 1539, in the Inca town of Yarowilca. In 1541, the city was moved to its current location in the Pillco Valley. It is served by the Alférez FAP David Figueroa Fernandini Airport. One of the main highways of the country passes by Huanuco, communicating Lima-Callao with Tingo Maria and Pucallpa in the Peruvian Amazonia.

Huánuco has a mild semi-arid climate. The temperatures are pleasant (with warm days and cool nights) throughout the year due to its elevation (1913 mt. - 6275 feet).

Images of Chincha

Vídeo de Chincha

Vídeo de Huánuco