From Carhuaz
To Chancay
Trip Sunday 02 June

Carhuaz to Chancay


Information about the city Carhuaz

The Carhuaz Province is one of twenty provinces of the Ancash Region of Peru.

Information about the city Chancay

Chancay is a small city located 78 km (48 mi) North of Lima . Its population is 26,958. The Chancay culture was a Pre-Columbian archeological culture, later part of the Inca Empire.

The main activity in Chancay these days is as a tourist resort for nearby Lima. The main attraction is El Castillo, a faux castle, recently repaired but constructed in the nineteenth century. There is a small museum in the castle displaying Chancay culture pottery and mummies.

Images of Carhuaz

Images of Chancay

Vídeo de Chancay