Address and how to get there

Get information about Paradero Purén (Calle Saavedra): Phone numbers, how to get there, map, services and the prices tickets with departure to various cities from Paradero Purén (Calle Saavedra).

Upon arrival in Paradero Purén (Calle Saavedra) keep in mind to watch your luggage, especially when a lot of people are around you. You should also be watching continuously the arrival of buses in Paradero Purén (Calle Saavedra) as the majority of terminals is not giving any notice about the arrival of buses.

Keep in mind that some bus terminals offer parking and a dedicated zone to store your luggage. To find the closest parking to Paradero Purén (Calle Saavedra), please revise our map.

Frequent routes of Paradero Purén (Calle Saavedra)

Images of Paradero Purén (Calle Saavedra)

Other Terminals